Woohoo!! We made it - we did a month with no sugar, to be fair it wasn't that difficult but I am more impressed that Stu did it with me and stuck to it. Given he has such a sweet tooth and finds it hard to resist I am really impressed with his will power to stick with it. The proper popcorn and his corn snacks definitely helped when he got peckish. He won't admit to it but he definitely snacked less than normal - I know why, because sugar is addictive and it makes you crave more and more so you eat it when you aren't actually hungry. It's a hard habit to break so I am hoping he eats less of it going forward and his body will thank him for it. He also had a tough month cycling 300 miles for his work charity event, they did really well raising money for FareShare but the reasons behind the event was to not only get the company doing something non-work related but also because they all sit at their desks on Zoom calls all day - it's not healthy for anyone but with jobs being so busy it's hard to get away from it. The fitness event meant they had to do exercise almost daily which will have been good for them all.
This month, Stu says he is going to continue the cycle challenge and do 350 miles this February. I've decided that because I need to build up my walking stamina that I am going to walk around the lounge every day with my walking poles. I will start at 15 minutes a day and work my way up. I would love to get up to an hour - which I know won't translate well to walking outside because it's completely different on my flat carpet to the real world outside - but hopefully it will help build up my stamina which will be beneficial.
I actually started writing this blog post yesterday and had every intention of finishing it but I must have got distracted and then forgot but that's cool because I get to post about this....
In other exciting news, I have finally found a replacement ice-cream - I'm so excited!! I love ice-cream and it's one of things I miss most about being dairy free, I normally resort to eating Rowntrees Watermelon Ice-Lollies which is fine as they taste great (my dog is addicted to them). Anyway not only is this ice-cream gluten free and dairy free (vegan) it is also free of sugar - now you are probably thinking well that's going to taste awful and be filled with chemicals well I hate to disappoint you but that is not the case! It's actually made with only 6 ingredients:
- water
- agave syrup
- cashew nuts
- coconut syrup
- cocoa
- sea salt
And believe me, it tastes EPIC... I found this beauty on Ocado (I finally managed to get a delivery slot after refreshing my page a million times over the last week) - I think I need to write to Sainsbury's and ask them to stock it as that's my go to supermarket.
So what is this tasty ice-cream then...
Introducing you to - Booja Booja Chocolate Salted Caramel Ice-Cream (and if you haven't tasted their truffles you must - they also melt in your mouth).
It's not the cheapest dairy free ice-cream out there but if you want something that actually tastes great then you must give it a try, you will not be disappointed. Even my husband who loves normally ice-cream said it tasted just as good as Ben & Jerry's, now that's a 5 star rating! Just shows that we don't need to add sugar to get great tasting food, I wish more companies would realise that as it would actually help our nation of sugar addicts.
Kidney Detox Update
Weekend was tough, felt really tired and run down however, today I am feeling better although I am suffering with my sinuses - a common ailment and a real pain - literally this morning my cheek bone area was really hurting. Thankfully some Sterimar spray and some paracetamol has kept it at bay. I am hoping I am through the worse part of the kidney detox and the rest of the month will be easier (wishful thinking I know).
Not much else to report so will leaving you so you can go and buy some tasty Booja Booja ice-cream to try whilst I go and make some lunch and read a bit more of my current book - All My Lies Are True by Dorothy Koomson - it's a follow up to The Ice-Cream Girls (ironic hey given my post topic) that she wrote a few years ago. It's really good and very addictive reading. It is about Serena and Poppy's lives now post the events of the past, but of course the past is never far behind you. If you've never read her books I do recommend them, they are all great.

#taopatches #taopatch #multiplesclerosis #ms #health #neurologicaldisease #autoimmunedisease #livingwithms #icecream #glutenfree #dairyfree #sugarfree #vegan #exercise