Welcome to My MS Journey
Hi, I'm Georgina, I started this blog when I discovered TaoPatches as I wanted to tell other MSers about them. However, many people I come across tell me that I should share my MS journey as I am always out there trying new things. One of my biggest frustrations is that I have had to find this information out for myself, and that neurologists only focus on giving drugs. I wish there was a pack for newly diagnosed patients that could provide them with information on basics like supplements, exercise and diet which all play an important part if someone had told me this years ago perhaps my mobility wouldn't be where it is today.
Some background info on me, I am in my mid-40s and was diagnosed in 2003. I live in Hampshire, UK with my husband, my son (18), my three stepsons (17, 15, 15) my dog Bella, my cat Rocky and my kitten Twiglet.
I hope you enjoy reading my story and please remember everything detailed on this site is based on my opinions and experiences. I am not a medical professional and thereby you should always seek advice when needed.
Thank you and good luck with your own journey
Georgina x
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