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Gadgets for this that and everything else...


I have a positive attitude towards my MS in that, I will try anything that will improve my life even if I waste money along the way. This post is about all the things I have tried up until now (well the ones I can remember!)

The Foot Gym

This is one of those things that I stumbled across when looking for something to help my right foot when it first started playing up. I wish that I had stuck with this but it was when I feel started deteriorating and I had no idea how important exercise was, so as I started struggling using this device, I gave up! Now it's much harder for me to use and sits in the cupboard. Writing this blog though reminds me that I should get it out and start using it again because it's actually a great device.

So, what is a Foot Gym - is a patented all-in-one device offers a combination of seven different foot exercises, stretches and massage therapy. It works to strengthen the often neglected muscles that lead to an improved balance, structural stability, and greater overall foot function. I purchased mine from Amazon but it looks like they don't currently have stock of it. I am definitely inspired to get it out now that my ankle and toes are starting to show movement again thanks to my Taopatches. Perhaps a New Year Resolution to myself will be to do this at least once a week.

HoMedics Percussion Hand-Held Massager

This is one of my most used gadgets, I love the fact it has a high intensity and works well in most areas. I massage my quads, abductors, calves and hamstrings practically everyday. If you are a Trevor Wicken fan then you will know how important it is to release these muscles as often as you can. I never use the heat setting on this as I don't believe it's that effective and I only use the hardest nodes as they are the ones that I found to work best for me. I have tried a cordless hand-held massager before but honestly I didn't find it anywhere near as powerful as this one. Looks like it's currently out of stock but you can buy this either direct from the HoMedics website or via Amazon. I took this with me to America in 2019 but please note despite using an adaptor plug it wouldn't work so don't waste your luggage allowance. It's okay I purchased another nifty massager out in the States that I used and works well for travel.

Muscle Roller Stick

Not really a gadget as such but I discovered this bad boy when I was in America in 2019, the name 'Bad Boy' definitely applies to this nifty gadget - roll this on your hamstrings and you will know what I mean. The pain is pretty intense but also rather satisfying lol!! It looks pretty innocent but it really isn't. I keep this next to my bed and use it when I am really feeling the tightness although to be fair it hasn't had much use over the last few months (will thank Taopatches again for that!). The great thing about this is that it can easily travel with you wherever you go so you have no excuse not to massage.

Hyperice Vyper 2.0 - Vibrating Roller

When I first got this, I think I swore a lot every time I used it but my body has definitely adjusted to its intensity now. We all know regular rollers are tough well this one is a million times tougher but probably more effective too. This is not a cheap gadget but I promise you it is worth every penny. Hyperice the company who created it have a whole host of other products. I did try the Hypersphere but I just didn't get on with so think I sold it on ebay and pretty much got back what I paid for it. Looking on their website there are a few things I would love to try - the Hip pack on the Normatec product looks ideal but it has a rather large price tag associated with it. I alternate using my HoMedics massager and my Hyper 2.0 in the evenings when I am chilling out in front of the tv. In fact, I am on my 2nd one as my first one had a battery failure (thankfully Amazon refunded me as it was only a year old), I now have a lovely new one.

Shiatsu Neck Shoulder Massager

I used this a lot when I first purchased it, actually I think it memory serves me right I got this for my husband initially as he was complaining that his neck was tight. He used it once or twice and then stopped so it became mine. It's lovely and feels great when you do it - I just found I didn't always have time due to everything else I was doing so it would just sit there taking up space and not being used. I think it's now in the loft somewhere! The heat function on it is brilliant and it's very relaxing so if you really suffer with your neck then this is a great product which doesn't cost a fortune. I got mine from Amazon, it's available now but more expensive than I paid for it - worth keeping an eye out for deals on it.

MARNUR Shiatsu Foot Massager Machine

This is a great device but it's bulky and takes up room and because I regularly self massage my feet and go for regular foot massagers this has become a bit redundant. On the odd occasion I will get it out and give my feet a good massage with it. If you buy one I recommend wearing socks as it can be a little painful at times especially on the higher setting. It is good for warming up your feet too! If you have room to store it then it is a great gadget which again wasn't too expensive.

CINCOM Leg Air Compression Massager

Okay I know this looks ridiculous and when I purchased it my husband laughed at me for wasting money on a stupid looking device BUT it does help! It isn't the quickest gadget to use as it takes time to put it on. I do it in the mornings when I am upstairs, I used to do it 2-3 times a week but since Taopatches I've reduced it to once a week and sometimes every other week. If I wake up feeling particularly stiff I will use this and it helps wake my legs up. I can't remember how I discovered it but I am glad I did, it was definitely worth the £100 I paid for it. I do look a bit like Robocop when I am laying there with it all on! I got mine from Amazon. Before Taopatches I would really notice when I hadn't done this so another point for Taopatches as they are clearly benefiting my body.

HoMedics Stretch Plus

OMG! This is so relaxing. Another gadget that my husband said I would waste my money on and never use (well I do use it!). It was a luxury buy but it was worth every penny. I love this. I can lie on it when watching tv and it stretches my back for me, it's heavenly. Even better put a blanket over you and you could fall asleep! I feel really relaxed after doing this just wish I had more time for it as I am so busy with working, exercising, family time, cooking, stretching and massaging my key areas and now writing a blog! No wonder it takes me forever to finish a book. I purchased this direct from HoMedics, I think I got in the Black Friday offers in 2019, so worth keeping an eye out for discount deals

HoMedics Leg Exerciser

I spend a lot of time at my desk which means my legs don't get any movement, which really isn't ideal. I tried an under-desk exercise bike, it was no good for me as my right foot/leg isn't strong enough to move it whilst sitting in the upright position and I lacked the space under my desk to try and position my leg on it properly too. I then tried a Cubii Junior Under Desk Elliptical Pedal Exerciser but again that just didn't work for me as I couldn't move it properly. Both of these gadgets are probably brilliant for people with legs that work properly but I just struggled with both so thankfully I just returned them back to Amazon. Then I discovered the HoMedics Leg Exerciser and thought that looked like it might work better for me and it does - it won't help strengthen my legs like the other two would have done but it does keep my legs moving rather than sat still. I'm not convinced it's improving my circulation but it's definitely worth having if you sit for long periods during the day. It's a little noisy but you get use to it and the remote control makes it easy to use. We've linked it up to an Alexa plug through our Hive so I don't have to bend down to turn the plug on and off.

There are so many things out there that will help your body and more and more things being developed all the time so worth researching the Internet if you have a specific problem area. I am definitely of the mindset - there is a solution to all problems. I am willing to try most things and although some of these things don't get as much use now as they once did, doesn't mean there were a waste of money it just means I've moved on and in some ways I take that as a positive.

Let me know if you use anything that makes a real difference to your day to day life!



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